This functionality has been provided by the DBMS_DEBUG_JDWP package for several releases. These parameters can be removed in a later release. Starting with Oracle Database 19c, the Oracle Text type alter system set utl_file_dir 19c. The optimizer augments them with adaptive statistics to determine more accurately the best SQL execution plan. OPTIMIZER_ADAPTIVE_FEATURE functions are replaced by two new parameters: OPTIMIZER_ADAPTIVE_PLANS, and OPTIMIZER_ADAPTIVE_STATISTICS. To subscribe to this RSS feed, copy and paste this URL into your RSS reader. Revise any of your SQL statements that use these views. For Review for information about Oracle Database 19c changes, deprecations, and desupports, as well as deprecations and desupports in Oracle Database releases 18c, 12.2, and 12.1. These The supported versions are 11.2, 12.1, 12.2, 18c, and 19c. Infrastructure 12c Release 1 (12.1) and later releases provide that same 1 (12.1), You have created a custom schema with the name AUDSYS. If you append an ACE to a host that has no existing host ACL, then a new host ACL is created implicitly. I used this command alter system set utl_file_dir='/opt/oracle/product/10.2./cds/interface' scope=spfile; System altered. The default setting is FALSE. I need to set the value for utl_file_dir and we are using spfile in the DB. The Oracle Database initialization parameter, Starting with Oracle Database 19c, customer use of the, Starting in Oracle Database 19c, the Oracle Data Guard broker, The Oracle Exadata Database Machine initialization parameter, Starting with Oracle Database 18c, the use of, Starting with Oracle Database 18c, the command options for, Starting with Oracle Database 18c, use of, Starting in Oracle Database 18c, the SQL*Plus table, Deprecated Columns in Oracle Label Security Views, Behavior Changes, Deprecations and Desupports in Oracle Database 19c, Behavior Changes, Deprecations and Desupports in Oracle Database 18c, Behavior Changes, Deprecations and Desupports in Oracle Database 12c Release 2 (12.2), Behavior Changes, Deprecated and Desupported Features for Oracle Database, Behavior Changes for Oracle Database 19c Upgrade Planning, Deprecated Features in Oracle Database 19c, Deprecated Initialization Parameters in Oracle Database 19c, Desupported Features in Oracle Database 19c, Desupported Parameters in Oracle Database 19c, Changes to Oracle Data Guard Properties Management, Rapid Home Provisioning (RHP) Name Change, Resupport of Direct File Placement for OCR and Voting Disks, Optional Install for the Grid Infrastructure Management Repository, Manage "Installed but Disabled" Module Bug Fixes with DBMS_OPTIM_BUNDLE, My Oracle Support Doc ID 2147007.1 Managing "installed but Starting with Oracle Database 18c, the methods change for how to create LIBRARY objects in an Oracle Database 18c PDB with a pre-defined PATH_PREFIX. PL/SQL function DBMS_XSLPROCESSOR.READ2CLOB. When TRUE, the timestamp format changes from a day-month-year-time format to a year-month-day-time format. The MAX_CONNECTIONS attribute can interfere with the new Redo Transport Streaming mechanism introduced in Oracle Database 11g, and increase the time necessary to resolve gaps. Starting with Oracle Database 19c, note the following changes to the way Oracle Data Guard manages property imports and upgrades: Oracle Data Guard broker no longer automatically imports local archiving location properties. For example, you can use the ADRCI command show alert to view the alert log: ADRCI also enables you to use the show log command to pass predicates for a query. Upgrade: The default parallelism using DBUA is the same value used by the Parallel Upgrade Utility for manual upgrades. Connect and share knowledge within a single location that is structured and easy to search. Review your options if you have earlier release password versions. These functions enforce stronger, more up-to-date password verification restrictions. They can be desupported and unavailable in a future release. The following PL/SQL subprograms in package DBMS_XMLSCHEMA are desupported: There are no replacements for these constructs. such as utl_file and fnd_file for PL/Sql File I/O. Goal UTL_FILE_DIR Directories Preamble One of the generic security best practices is to move your UTL_FILE_DIR implementation (deprecated) to Oracle Directories. Simplifies maintenance by providing automatons which are invoked with a simple, consistent API across database versions and deployment models. The RPM-based installation process provides you with the option to create a database with the default settings using the /etc/init.d/oracledb_ORCLCDB-19c service configuration script. more information about each step, including how to reconfigure your system after an Or you can create a synonym: Starting in Oracle Database 18c, The LABELS column is deprecated in the ALL_SA_USER_LABELS and DBA_SA_USER_LABELS views. Specifying the password from the GDSCTL utility itself is still valid. The LogMiner CONTINUOUS_MINE option is still supported for backward compatibility reasons. Oracle GoldenGate is the replication solution for Oracle Database. You cannot use UTL_FILE with symbolic links. Another reason to use WALLET_ROOT is that it is the directory within which you can locate the wallets of other features, such as Oracle Enterprise User Security, and Transport Layer Security. crsuser utility with Oracle Real Application Clusters (Oracle MAX_ENABLED_ROLES Initialization Parameter. Starting with Oracle Database 12c release 2, the ALTER TYPE statement behavior is also changed. If I pass an absolute path I get error as Invalid path. You can also use scripts to parse log.xml instead of the alert log. Oracle provided a native managed distributed transaction support for Oracle Data Provider for .NET (ODP.NET), Managed Driver using Oracle.ManagedDataAccessDTC.dll. Using Oracle Data Guard Broker to manage database rolling upgrades can simplify the upgrade process by minimizing your downtime and risk when introducing change to production environments. In accordance with Microsoft policy, Oracle is desupporting the Oracle.ManagedDataAccessDTC.dll file. Use binary XML storage of XMLType instead. Only then developers could use that path in the EBS programs to perform File I/O using utl_file or fnd_file packages. To develop Java applications that manage multimedia content within Oracle Databases, Oracle recommends that you embed PL/SQL blocks in Java. How Changing to Real Application Security ACLS Affects You. Use For more information about this parameter, see Initialization parameters. with 18c version of the database, Oracle has de-supported the utl_file_dir parameter. External Tables. There is no replacement for Oracle Multimedia DICOM. Oracle recommends that you manage system privileges in accordance with standard security best practices. Then, we will convert the database to PDB. Parent topic: Desupported Features in Oracle Database 12c Release 2 (12.2). It is desupported in Oracle Database 19c. Using integrated, shared, and concurrently mounted storage, such as Oracle ASM and Oracle ACFS for database files as well as for unstructured data, enables Oracle Grid Infrastructure to restart an Oracle Database on a failover node much faster than any cluster solution that relies on failing over and remounting volumes and file systems. In previous releases, Oracle Database included Oracle JDBC drivers that provided specific type extensions and performance extensions in both oracle.sql and oracle.jdbc Java packages. The case-insensitive 10G password version is no longer generated. Enhanced Error Reporting: All DBUA errors are reported using the error code prefix DBT, and all errors are reported as a list on a progress page, instead of being presented in message windows. The default value for this parameter is TRUE. Existing ACLs in XDB are migrated during upgrade. This script creates a text file named _utlfiledir.txt in the /dbs directory which lists the existing directories defined in supplemental utl_file_dir list. The Oracle Data Provider for .NET registry setting PromotableTransaction indicates whether the application must keep transactions as local, or if it can begin all single connection transactions as local, and then promote the transaction to distributed when a second connection enlists. Starting with Oracle Database 19c, the earlier ACFS replication protocol (repv1) is deprecated. The V$DATAGUARD_PROCESS view includes much more information about processes used by Oracle Data Guard. The oracle.jdbc extensions continue to be supported. It can run using the Java Development Kits (JDKs) installed with Oracle Database releases supported for direct upgrade to Oracle Database 12c release 2 (12.2). bug fixes will not be activated until you enable the fixes. This protocol requires case-sensitive passwords for authentication. Upgrading Oracle Database Standard Edition databases that use Oracle To manage the implementation of Oracle Database bug fixes that cause a SQL Connected to: Oracle Database 12c Enterprise Edition Release - 64bit Production SQL> alter system set utl_file_dir='*' scope=spfile; System altered. Oracle Table 10-1 Oracle Data Guard Property Name Changes, When StandbyArchiveLocation and StandbyAlternateLocation have empty strings, ArchiveLocation and AlternateLocation are locations for both online and standby log files, When StandbyArchiveLocation and StandbyAlternateLocation have non-empty strings, ArchiveLocation and AlternateLocation are locations only for online log files. The PARALLEL_SERVER initialization parameter is removed and desupported in this release. run upgrade prechecks. to act as a legacy interface to the DBMS_SCHEDULER job. If you attempt to specify an operating system file directly by using the LOCATION parameter of UTL_FILE.FOPEN, or by using the LOCATION parameter of FOPEN_NCHAR, then those attempts also fail. The MAX_CONNECTIONS attribute of the LOG_ARCHIVE_DEST_n parameter for Data Guard redo transport is deprecated in Oracle Database 18c. For more information about the crsctl add wallet -type OSUSER command, refer to Oracle Clusterware Administration and Deployment. The following is a list of deprecated XML updating functions: Oracle SQL function sys_xmlgen is deprecated. Options for management of consolidated deployments. The DBMS_XMLSAVE package is part of the Oracle XML SQL Utility. This parameter was deprecated in Oracle9i Starting with Oracle Database 19c, customer use of the SERVICE_NAMES parameter is deprecated. During EBS pre-upgrade steps, we need to configure UTL_FILE_DIR replacement values using using MOS Document ID: Using UTL_FILE_DIR or Database Directories for PL/SQL File I/O in Oracle E-Business Suite Releases 12.1 and 12.2 (Doc ID 2525754.1). Using the UTL_FILE package to access a symbolic link fails in the ALL/USER/DBA_ARGUMENTS User Views Changes. UTL_FILE directory name changes oracle 19c, We've added a "Necessary cookies only" option to the cookie consent popup. Parent topic: Behavior Changes for Oracle Database 18c Upgrade Planning. PL/SQL procedure DBMS_XSLPROCESSOR.CLOB2FILE. Starting with Oracle Grid e.g. object and the file name, so that neither contains a symbolic link. support the use of Oracle Clusterware to monitor and manage the availability of Oracle strongly recommends that you accept the default permissions that limit access to the SGA to the oracle user account. The following list of subprograms are desupported in package DBMS_XDB: The following constants are desupported in package DBMS_XDB: The following Oracle XQuery functions are desupported. UPPER_RANGE: This column contains the numeric upper range value used by a variable declaration with a range constraint. In first time I run only these command: SQL> CREATE DIRECTORY MIGR AS '/tmp/MIGR/'; SQL> GRANT READ, WRITE ON DIRECTORY MIGR TO DBA; but for to use u. $ gdsctl add database -connect inst1 -pwd gsm_password. Existing applications remain unaffected, whether they use promotable transactions or not. Question: I need to know how to set my utl_file_dir in a script. You only need to run the utluptabdata.sql script when you run the Parallel Upgrade Utility with the -T option to run the upgrade. instead of out_dir use OUT_DIR. Failure to use a DIRECTORY object in the LIBRARY object results in a PLS-1919 compile-time error. All Oracle JPublisher features are desupported and unavailable in Oracle Database 12c Release 2 ( The InconsistentProperties property is also deprecated. The possible values are NULL, or NOT NULL. I've scripts where UTL_FILE.FOPEN is used and the parameter passing for directory is an absolute path i.e., /asr/file/path and the corresponding oracle directory name as ASR_ABC but after up-gradation to oracle 19c the parameter is expected to be direcotry name ASR_ABC instead of absolute path /asr/file/path. The Oracle Data Provider for .NET registry, configuration, and property setting PromotableTransaction indicates whether the application must keep transactions as local, or if it can begin all single connection transactions as local, and then promote the transaction to distributed when a second connection enlists. Use them in package DBMS_XDB_CONFIG instead. But still the value shows as null. This Oracle XQuery function ora:contains. Follow. Oracle recommends that you evaluate other single-node failover options, such as Oracle RAC One Node. Run the utluptabdata.sql script to upgrade those tables set to READ ONLY tablespace states during the upgrade. the WALLET_ROOT initialization parameter, and the If you attempt to set this parameter, then the attempt fails. Starting in Oracle Database 19c, the Oracle Data Guard broker MAX_CONNECTIONS attribute is desupported. OPTIMIZER_ADAPTIVE_PLANS controls adaptive plans. However, the use of an explicit operating system directory is insecure, Review for descriptions of Oracle Database 19c release changes. used to replicate tables with SDO_GEOMETRY column. Oracle recommends that you use the new view V$DATAGUARD_PROCESS. Oracle recommends that you use the Oracle Database feature Parallel Statement Queuing to obtain parallel execution performance gains. This restriction includes FAN, load balancing, FAILOVER_TYPE, FAILOVER_RESTORE, SESSION_STATE_CONSISTENCY, and any other uses. There is no replacement. The SQLNET.ENCRYPTION_WALLET_LOCATION sqlnet.ora parameter is deprecated in Oracle Database 19c. When you run the Parallel Upgrade Utility with the -T option, any tablespaces that do not contain Oracle Maintained objects are set to READ ONLY. The ORDIM component remains in the registry First, retrieve the list of directory paths that are currently stored in the UTL_FILE_DIR supplemental parameter. The degradation is caused because of the time it takes PL/SQL to update rows in the underlying dictionary tables. are the targets of file names in UTL_FILE. LocalSystem to a user ID. Starting with Oracle Database 18c, Leaf nodes are deprecated as part of Oracle Flex Cluster architecture. This change is an additional change that is separate from the row reduction change to ARGUMENTS views. PRECISION: This column contains the numeric precision when it is used in a variable declaration. These platforms are no longer supported. Starting with Oracle Database 18c, Oracle recommends that you replace the GET_MODEL_DETAILS_XML functions with the Oracle Data Mining Model Details views. You can use the same response file created during installation to complete postinstallation configuration. After you upgrade your database, the bug fix patches that can cause execution This desupport is now rescinded. The GIMR for an Oracle Domain Services Cluster is a multitenant database with one PDB, and additional PDB for each member cluster that is added. This parameter refers to the logon authentication protocol used for the server, not the Oracle Database release. Starting with Oracle Database 18c, existing services are no longer migrated by the installation. Although DBMS_JOB is still supported for backward compatibility, Oracle strongly recommends that you switch from DBMS_JOB to Oracle Scheduler. Oracle recommends that the Oracle home directory path you create is in compliance with the Oracle Optimal Flexible Architecture recommendations. The DBMS_DEBUG package provides APIs to set breakpoints, obtain values of variables, and so on. The Oracle Database Advanced Replication feature is desupported in its entirety. Oracle recommends that you use TCP as an alternative. Recompile parallelism is the same value as the upgrade parallelism by default. How can this new ban on drag possibly be considered constitutional? At the same time, all Oracle XML DB configuration functions, procedures, and constants that were moved from package DBMS_XDB to DBMS_XDB_CONFIG. With continuous improvements in the Oracle Clusterware stack towards providing shorter reconfiguration times in case of a failure, Leaf nodes are no longer necessary for implementing clusters that meet customer needs, either for on-premises, or in the Cloud. It can be removed in a future release. All Data types that the EDS feature supported are now supported natively by both Logical Standby and Oracle GoldenGate. Placing OCR and Voting Disk files on shared file systems is desupported in favor of placing the files on Oracle ASM. Use crsuser feature no longer works. upgrade, see My Oracle Support Note 2504078.1: "Desupport of Oracle Real Application Only drop the AUDSYS schema and the AUDIT_ADMIN and AUDIT_VIEWER roles if both of the following conditions are true: The version from which you are upgrading is earlier than Oracle Database 12c release USENET currently is rarely used for serious purpose. This increase, and the ALTERNATE attribute enhancements to provide high availability for local and remote archiving, provides you with more control over the results after an archiving destination fails. The pwcreate option of ASMCMD enables you to specify a password on the command line. This desupport can affect any feature from an earlier release using symbolic Starting with Oracle Database 19c, the Oracle Text type Several Oracle Multimedia DICOM features are desupported in Oracle Database 18c. Starting in Oracle Database 12c release 2, the Unicode Collation Algorithm (UCA) 6.1 collations are deprecated. Performing index processingusing thissection group type is obsolete. Oracle Database 12c release 2 (12.2) includes several enhancements to DBUA, and some features have been removed or modified. DBUA includes the following new features for Oracle Database 12c release 2 (12.2): Selective PDB Plug-In Upgrades: You can plug in a PDB created in a previous release into a release 12.2 multitenant architecture CDB environment, and upgrade the PDB using DBUA started from the release 12.2 CDB home. It's a very simple and straight forward method using DBUA so follow the screens as below: Starting in Oracle Database 18c, there are changes to the /USER/ALL/DBA_ARGUMENTS and /USER/ALL/DBA_IDENTIFIERS views, and to LIBRARY object creation in PDBs. The Oracle Fleet Patching and Provisioning Server can provision new installations and can manage existing installations without requiring any changes to the existing installations. PL/SQL package DBMS_XDB_CONFIG is new. For details, refer to your operating system platform Oracle Database Installation Guide. can affect any feature from an earlier release using symbolic links, including (but The following Java APIs are deprecated in Oracle Database 12c Release 2 (12.2), and can be desupported in a future release: Oracle Multimedia Servlets and JSP Java API. The possible values are ROWTYPE, TYPE, and CHARSET. Starting with Oracle Database 19c (19.3), Oracle ACFS Encryption is deprecated with no replacement on Oracle Solaris and Microsoft Windows. Use SQL/XML function XMLSerialize() with a version number instead. This same script is also used to migrate these directory paths during upgrade also (from 12c or earlier versions) to 19c database. By clicking Post Your Answer, you agree to our terms of service, privacy policy and cookie policy. As part of your upgrade plan, review the initialization parameters that are deprecated in this Oracle Database release, and review alternatives. Performance Enhancements: DBUA includes code enhancements that reduce the number of instance restarts during the upgrade process. How do you find home information for Oracle RAC on Unix? Leaf nodes are no longer supported in the Oracle Flex Cluster Architecture in Oracle Grid Infrastructure 19c. However, Oracle does not support the use of server-side SQLJ, including running stored procedures, functions, and triggers in the database environment. The size increase is less with multibyte or variable-length character sets. Oracle XPath function ora:instanceof. Oracle strongly recommends that you use the standard JDBC batching if you are using the Oracle Database 12c Release 2 (12.2) JDBC driver. In the absence of an integration between different cluster solutions, the system is subject to the dueling cluster solutions issue: Independent cluster solutions can make individual decisions about which corrective actions must be taken in case of certain failures. LENGTH: This column contains the numeric length constraint value for a string length constraint declaration. In Oracle Database 12c Release 2 and later releases, you can run the Parallel Upgrade Utility using command-line batch scripts.catupgrd.sql is no longer distributed. You must extract the image software into the directory where you want your Oracle home to be located, and then run the runInstaller script to start the Oracle Database installation. Oracle Parallel Server was replaced with Oracle Real Upgrade Database using DBUA: Upgrade the database now using DBUA. Oracle Clusters. Use the Feedback tab to make any comments or ask questions. Specify the UTL_FILE_DIR in 10g :-. Instead of using the script, Oracle recommends that you install the extracted gold image as a home, using the installer wizard. In Oracle For this reason, Oracle recommends that you align your next software or hardware upgrade with the transition off of vendor cluster solutions. recommends that you use directory objects. The SQL standard specifies that security administrators should be able to require that users have SELECT privilege on a table when running an UPDATE or DELETE statement that references table column values in a WHERE or SET clause. Use DBMS_XMLGEN instead. Oracle Streams did not support features added in Oracle Database 12c (12.1) and later releases, including the multitenant architecture, LONG VARCHAR, and other new features. It may be desupported in a future release. The following Oracle Data Provider for .NET application programming interfaces for Transaction Guard are desupported in Oracle Database 12c Release 2 (12.2): OracleConnection.GetLogicalTransactionStatus method, OracleConnection.LogicalTransactionId property, OracleConnection.OracleLogicalTransaction property, OracleLogicalTransaction.DataSource property, OracleLogicalTransaction.GetOutcome() method, OracleLogicalTransaction.GetOutcome(string, string, string) method. After the Oracle home is created, you can then use Oracle Database Configuration Assistant (Oracle DBCA) to create an Oracle Database. This parameter was Optional Install for the Grid Infrastructure Management Repository Since utl_file_dir is a static parameter we need to shut down both the instances to take effect. DBMS_XMLSAVE on an earlier release Oracle Database, and change CTXCAT and CTXRULE indexes store tokens in a table column of type VARCHAR2 (64 BYTE). PARALLEL_IO_CAP_ENABLED Initialization Parameter. objects in place of symbolic links. The desupport of Oracle Multimedia DICOM includes the following features: Oracle Multimedia Oracle DICOM Component for WebCenter integration (DICOM/UCM). Starting with Oracle Database 12c release 2 (12.2), Oracle Data Guard Broker has more features to assist rolling upgrades. disabled" bug fixes in Database Release Updates using DBMS_OPTIM_BUNDLE, Oracle Data Guard Broker Deprecated Properties, Oracle Data Guard Logical Standby Properties Deprecated, Deprecation of ASMCMD PWCREATE On Command Line, Deprecation of GDSCTL Operating System Command-Line Password Resets, Deprecation of Oracle Enterprise Manager Express, Deprecation of Oracle ACFS Replication Protocol REPV1, Deprecation of Oracle ACFS Encryption on Solaris and Windows, Deprecation of Oracle ACFS Security (Vault) and ACFS Auditing, Deprecation of Oracle ACFS on Member Clusters (ACFS Remote), Deprecation of Cluster Domain - Member Clusters, Deprecation of Vendor Clusterware Integration with Oracle Clusterware, Deprecation of Black Box Virtual Machine Management Using Oracle Clusterware, CLUSTER_DATABASE_INSTANCES Initialization Parameter Deprecated, Deprecation of SQLNET.ENCRYPTION_WALLET_LOCATION Parameter, Deprecation of the SERVICE_NAMES Initialization Parameter, Desupport of Oracle Data Provider for .NET Promotable Transaction Setting, Desupport of the CONTINUOUS_MINE feature of LogMiner, Desupport of Extended Datatype Support (EDS), Data Guard Broker MaxConnections Property Desupported, Desupport of Leaf Nodes in Flex Cluster Architecture, Desupport of Oracle Real Application Clusters for Standard Edition 2 (SE2) Database Edition, EXAFUSION_ENABLED Initialization Parameter Desupported, MAX_CONNECTIONS attribute of LOG_ARCHIVE_DEST_n Desupported, Behavior Changes for Oracle Database 18c Upgrade Planning, Deprecated Features in Oracle Database 18c, Desupported Features in Oracle Database 18c, Desupported Initialization Parameters in Oracle Database 18c, Simplified Image-Based Oracle Database Installation, Support Indexing of JSON Key Names Longer Than 64 Characters, Upgrading Existing Databases is Replaced With Image Installations, About RPM-Based Oracle Database Installation, Token Limitations for Oracle Text Indexes, Changes to /ALL/USER/DBA User View and PL/SQL External Libraries, Deprecation of Direct Registration of Listeners with DBCA, UNIFORM_LOG_TIMESTAMP_FORMAT Changes in INIT.ORA, Data Guard MAX_CONNECTIONS Attribute is Deprecated, Extended Datatype Support (EDS) is Deprecated, GET_* Functions Deprecated in the DBMS_DATA_MINING Package, Returning JSON True or False Values using NUMBER is Deprecated, Deprecation of MAIL_FILTER in Oracle Text, Deprecation of NEWS_SECTION_GROUP in Oracle Text, Oracle Net Services Support for SDP is Deprecated, Deprecation of Flex Cluster (Hub/Leaf) Architecture, Deprecation of PRODUCT_USER_PROFILE Table, Oracle Administration Assistant for Windows is Desupported, Oracle Multimedia DICOM Desupported Features, Oracle Multimedia Java Client Classes Desupported, ODP.NET, Managed Driver - Distributed Transaction DLL Desupported, Data Guard Broker DGMGRL ALTER Syntax is Desupported, Desupport of CRSUSER on Microsoft Windows Systems, Desupport of STANDBY_ARCHIVE_DEST Initialization Parameter, Desupport of UTL_FILE_DIR Initialization Parameter, Behavior Changes in Oracle Database 12c Release 2 (12.2), Deprecated Initialization Parameters in Oracle Database 12c Release 2 (12.2), Deprecated Features in Oracle Database 12c Release 2 (12.2), Desupported Initialization Parameters in Oracle Database 12c Release 2 (12.2), Desupported Features in Oracle Database 12c Release 2 (12.2), Initialization Parameter Default Changes in Oracle Database 12c Release 2 (12.2), Database Upgrade Assistant (DBUA) Enhancements and Changes, Enhancements to Oracle Data Guard Broker and Rolling Upgrades, About Changes in Default SGA Permissions for Oracle Database, Network Access Control Lists and Upgrade to Oracle Database 12c, Unified Auditing AUDIT_ADMIN and AUDIT_VIEWER Roles Changes, Oracle Update Batching Batch Size Settings Disabled, About Upgrading Tables Dependent on Oracle-Maintained Types, Case-Insensitive Passwords and ORA-1017 Invalid Username or Password, About Deploying Oracle Grid Infrastructure Using Oracle Fleet Patching and Provisioning, Restrictions Using Zero Data Loss Recovery Appliance Release 12.1 Backups, Client and Foreground Server Process Memory Changes, About the Parallel Upgrade Utility for Oracle Database (CATCTL.PL and DBUPGRADE), Upgrading Tables Dependent on Oracle-Maintained Types, Running Upgrades with Read-Only Tablespaces, Deprecation of configToolAllCommands Script, Deprecation of Intelligent Data Placement (IDC), Deprecation of Oracle Administration Assistant for Windows, Deprecation of Oracle Data Provider for .NET PromotableTransaction Setting, Deprecation of oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection.unwrap(), Deprecation of oracle.jdbc.rowset Package, Deprecation of oracle.sql.DatumWithConnection Classes, Deprecation of Oracle Multimedia Java APIs, Deprecation of Oracle Multimedia Support for DICOM, Deprecation of Multimedia SQL/MM Still Image Standard Support, Deprecation of Unicode Collation Algorithm (UCA) 6.1 Collations, Deprecation of UNIFIED_AUDIT_SGA_QUEUE_SIZE, Deprecation of VERIFY_FUNCTION and VERIFY_FUNCTION_11G, Deprecated Features for Oracle XML Database,, Desupport of Direct File System Placement for OCR and Voting Files, Desupport of preupgrd.sql and utluppkg.sql, Desupported Oracle Data Provider for .NET APIs for Transaction Guard, Desupported Views in Oracle Database 12c Release 2 (12.2),, Fix the metadata.
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