Brent Metcalf Photos and Premium High Res Pictures - Getty Images Im not excited anymore. My application of Vatican II was specifically intended for the work of Catholic biblical scholars, not Catholicism in toto. NW3C Adds Four New High-Tech Crime Specialists to the Team My mind was calm and at peace with God through the Lamb of God, that taketh away the sin of the world. Do you think he will ever come completely clean? Brenten "Brent" Metcalfe joined NW3C after working in law enforcement for over 13 years. This podcast inspired me to read the book Mormon Murders. We were both greenies at the same time. I am so grateful I stumbled across them along with D. Michael Quinns books wow now 20 years ago. I had no idea what your beliefs were and it piqued my interest in part 1 where you talked about scripture being inspirational yet often times not historical. And great questions John. Brent Metcalf - Wikipedia The Gift of the Mormon Faith Crisis Podcast. In Part 2, Brent describes working for and with Steve Christensen and Mark Hofmann, the Salamander Letter episode, and the bombings that took the lives of Steve and Kathy Sheets. However, they still mention other things in their presentations (if you can stand to listen to them; I dont particularly like Jake Hiltons rhetoric, but Wayne May is pretty interesting to listen to)that are pretty fascinating and almost convincing. What do you think about the DCP/Hamblin FARMS implosion? 2005, page 147, 180, Sillitoe, L., & Roberts, A. D. (1988). by | Jun 23, 2022 | replace flower bed with gravel | pickleball courts on staten island | Jun 23, 2022 | replace flower bed with gravel | pickleball courts on staten island This book was way above my reading level at the time and I wonder if that may be the biggest hurdle in reaching standard Mormons about the book and its challenges. Many of the writers did become illustrious personalities, exactly as you point out. Again, Im not sure that you would disagree with any of this. Afraid that Brent would go public with the contradictory information, the LDS church terminated him as a member. Nicely done, John. brent metcalfe excommunicated - I have heard that Mac Christianson financed the mission of one of Hofmanns sons. Brents work is groundbreaking and reliably fascinating. Seventh East Press. Thanks Brent for sharing your story with usand to John for bringing it to us. What are your views about these books and how some contemporary Mormon scholars approach them as catalytic for revelation, though they may not specifically be historical? [4] Metcalfe had become an ardent supporter of the counterfeited Salamander letter, and hired by Christensen to research the letter. brent metcalfe excommunicated. In these two episodes we discuss: 1) The aftermath of the Mark Hofmann bombings, and Brent's. I need help with casting ZEE5 on my TV. From Spencer Kimballs battle with dementia to Monsons where the hell is that driver, to the insights with Mark E Peterson, Brents influential instructors at the University of Utah. Is there a list of Mormon historians who were ex'd because of the Sorry for my language, Im not a native English speaker and there is a limit to what I can express in English. [3] Current historians tend to agree that Scotford and Soper joined forces to sell the fake relics for personal profit. Theres the answer. [9][10] His father was the managing director of the Temple Department for the LDS Church. I have some insights into that. But before Brent could truly move on, he had to deal with the emotional turmoil of knowing that he was associated with Mark Hofmann. Maxine Hanks was also in my ward. Truth or legend? He remains an enigma. Metcalfe believed that his firing was because of a few people in church leadership who perceived him as a threat, even though he viewed his own work as apologetic and not scholarly. She has become the matron saint of Mormon studies (that's a promotion from her previous role as the den mother of Mormon studies). Or if you have any thoughts on this John? Brent Metcalfe borrows the titles of a few works on literary and narrative theory and then concludes that such theory under mines the historical claims of the Book of Mormon. He also talks about his early forays into Mormon studies. brent metcalfe excommunicated - Broad topics include my excommunication plus BoMor and BoAbr research. This is one of the best MS interviews I have heard so far. Tom Phillips, Simon Southerton, Brent Metcalfe, Jeremy Runnells, Grant Palmer, etc. [4], In 1993 Metcalfe organized a group of scholars to publish a series of essays that sought to apply techniques of higher criticism to the Book of Mormon. I was curious about the book that Brent photocopied from the archives. You know, guilt by association. The irony is, I wasnt an activist for anything, I simply wanted to write. He could have never imagined the true extent of Marks crimes, though. What did they accomplish by kicking any of you out? Im sure this applies to other beliefs as well. I remember being troubled by the lack of divine discernment that the brethren have/had. He also discusses the events leading up to, and including, his excommunication. Yes! Signature Books. I think that the group is called FIRM, lead by Rod Meldrum, Jake Hilton, and Wayne May. What an amazing life Brent! Rude Dog Never fear! (The audio starts in Part 1 around 1:23.55) I did a little research and found a digitized & searchable copy of Elias Smiths autobiography. But once Mormonism got involved, it turned everything upside down. This unleashed a veritable deluge of Catholic contributions to modern biblical scholarship. I was with one of his relatives the day he was charged with the bombings, and she was totally shocked & absolutely certain he had nothing to do with it. Brent provided a detailed account of the Mark Hoffman story with a perspective that we seldom hear. Well also talk in depth with Brent about how he has been able to construct a healthy and happy life outside of Mormonism. 10 of Brent Metcalfe Podcasts Interviews | Updated Daily - OwlTail In secret, behind closed doors, who were they really betting on? So cool that you provided some of the research used by Michael Quinn. Brent Metcalfe on Hofmann aftermath, his own excommunication - reddit Brent Metcalf (47 matches): Phone Number, Email, Address - Spokeo How was Christensen reimbursed or rewarded by the Church for his document ventures? In Gnosticism Abraham is not even a real person, the story represents the triumph of spirit over matter and is loaded with hidden symbolic meaning. A man with boldness of speech, and is often cited by members as one of the favourite apostles to hear from. Yes, please delineate with a rough timeline, recent vs. re-exposed critiques of the books. Questions for Brent Metcalfe | Mormon Stories After all, he was the one who had introduced him to Steve Christensen, the first of Marks victims. All things praised God with me. brent metcalfe excommunicated - Notify me of follow-up comments by email. Thats what I expected from church leaders.I meanSalamander spirit !! Brent Metcalfe, Sue's husband of 23 years, is doing everything he can to support both Sue and Samantha. All of these documents are available on the Joseph Smith Papers Project website. Boy, what a chilling conclusion. Im was left kind of hot but dry after hoping to hear about his drama with the church and its leaders.any chance of allowing closure for me here? I shared this source with Mike Quinn when he was writing _Early Mormonism and the Magic World View_. 52K views 2 years ago Iowa's Brent Metcalf took down Ohio State's Lance Palmer in a thrilling title bout at 149 pounds in the 2010 NCAA wrestling championships. Years ago, I attended a book reading and signing by Jon Krakauer in Marin County when he was promoting Under the Banner of Heaven. Im definitely a fan. What scenario for the books origins have you constructed over your many years of study? When I was on my mission in the early 70s, we were encouraged to show a film called Ancient America Speaks. In other words, if it is an intrinsic aspect of a tradition to make historical claims or assertions about the underlying nature of the world, the falsification of those claims essentially undermines the character of that tradition. Now that the new Netflix documentary Murder Among the Mormons has come out, it also validates the important witness that Brent was in this event. Thanks for the clarification. Youve used it well Brent. Do you believe that your martial arts and mental training has contributed to your belief system and the independence from the crowd? In Part 3, Brent discusses the aftermath of the Hofmann murders, including the trial and Hoffman's eventual plea deal. Oh. Or even presenting the center view? Thank you both in advance. Excellent question. Is there going to be a part 3? In these two episodes we discuss: The aftermath of the Mark Hofmann bombings, and Brent's excommunication for his research into the Book of Mormon, and. What are your views on the work of Hugh Nibley? I very much appreciated the beautiful memories and great stories Brent shared about what a remarkable and kind person Steve was. I heard he had left the church soon after returning home. by Brent Metcalfe November 24, 2014 14 Comments Jan Shipps is the perfect inaugural interview for the Mormon Studies podcast. 32 Years Later - Would Mark Hofmann Kill Again? - Wheat & Tares Charles, I dont think I threw the baby out with the bathwater since my examination of the Hebrew and Christian scriptures resulted in the same intellectual concerns that I had with LDS scriptural extensions. at firesides, etc about some new discovery somewhere that was about to put to rest the concerns about the BOMs historicity. He was enthusiastic about scholars allegedly validating his translations through secular methods (e.g., Charles Anthon on the BoMor characters and Michael Chandlers anonymous scholars on the BoAbr papyri). In another post Ill comment on the Mark Hoffman affair. The problems he discovered lay at Josephs feet, but he threw out the baby with the bath water as if the success of Christianity rode on the success of Joseph Smith. Brent Metcalf in California - Spokeo Brent Metcalf, who has been through personal tragedy, triumph and uncertainty can now call himself a national champion. [9], As it began to be clearer that Hofmann was counterfeiting documents, Christensen and Kathy Sheets were murdered in an separate bombs created by Hofmann, and Hofmann himself was injured when a later bomb he created inadvertently exploded. Has been quite a while since you had a podcast that wasnt left of center. accounting for llc member buyout; black barber shops chicago; otto ohlendorf descendants; 97 4runner brake bleeding; Freundschaft aufhoren: zu welchem Zeitpunkt sera Semantik Starke & genau so wie parece fair ist und bleibt 7 czerwca 2022. When we taught the Book of Mormon story, it was part of our presentation. Research into the origins or Christianity strongly suggest that there are no babies only bathwater. Joseph Smiths myth-making leveraged Christian myth-making at the dawn of higher criticism. hendrick motorsports hats; brent metcalfe excommunicated So sorry Maxine! Thank you for this interview. If the Prophet cant see Hoffman as a fraud, why should anyone assume their Bishop/Stake president has any more ability in terms of divinely inspired discernment? Im glad you found some of my remarks useful and thanks for the kind comments. hope my comment wasnt insensitive! Brent was ultimately excommunicated for editing/authoring this book. It was so, so interesting. But being new to the church and so unacquainted with church matters and such things I was not much help. Liked by Brent Metcalfe Experience Practice Lead - Mergers and Acquisitions/Investment Group and Consultant Backswath Management Sep 2022 - Present6 months Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada Seeking New. I also appreciate your parting words. Also, I appreciate you bringing up ADD. What was the arrangement and the special business relationship Steven had with the Church in this regard? In fact, Brent was with Mark the night before he caused the first explosion. I appreciate the details of Brents experience. According to Metcalfe, he was questioned by LDS Church authorities about his writing for the 7EP and Sunstone was "forced to resign" from his job in April 1983. He has also served in the United States Air Force (Air National Guard) since 2004. Brent Metcalfe is definitely one of my favorite interviewees ever on Mormon Stories Podcast. John in wonderfully rare form in this oneI love it! 2 Introduction at court. Not because it marked the end of the University of Iowa's senior's prestigious and highly . When will the big book about the Egytian papers be out? Hofmann really believed he could pull it all off, and maybe it wasnt just the police who thwarted his scheme? John Dehlin Faces Excommunication | Ploni Almoni This was interesting all around. As a Mormon History and Rare Document Researcher, Brent Metcalfe has unparalleled knowledge of the religion and its connections in Utah. In 1994, Professor David Wright of Brandeis University and editor Brent Metcalf were excommunicated for their scripture studies in New Approaches to the Book of Mormon: Explorations in Critical Methodology In 1995, author Janice Allred was excommunicated for her writings about Mother in Heaven. Brent Metcalf. On acquiring a PhD, after a year of university, apart from a lack of finances, I quickly noticed that the degree factory isnt a reflection on ones intelligence. I just finished listening to part one and I loved it! They even go so far as to claim that Zarahemla was directly across the river from Nauvoo, and that the waters of mormon are Big Springs, MO. All rights reserved. Now, in the wake of 200 years of such scholarship, the Bible doesnt hold up much better than the Book of Mormon. This is one that definately left me wanting more. Download . Every metric you can imagine points to the same conclusion: from Paul VI forward, Catholicism has gone into deep crisis. We Elders thought this was powerful truth, to compliment the claims of the Book of Mormon, to convince the Jew and Gentile. Perhaps it has something to do with the frightening and daunting implications of this inconvenient truth. Well also talk about the recent history of BYUs Maxwell Institute and what he sees in its future and in the future of Mormon apologetics overall. Without good research, ours is a heritage shallow in meaning. And a small footnote: Many of these original founders had been part of an on-campus group, called the Open Door Club. The Book of Abraham was a problem on my mission too, but we had to just ignore that issue, and wait for an answer. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. Those mind-opening essays impacted my life in positive and powerful ways. Not everyone who doubted the authenticity of Hofmanns forgeries did so for valid and sound reasons. Brent Metcalfe. Its great to find all this background information. And I went through a very long phase of just wishing that I had never been born.. Copyright 2005 - 2023 | Mormon Stories. I did enjoy the balance that your podcast once stood for; miss the balance. A special thanks to Brent for giving up so much of his time to do these episodes, especially some of them as he was feeling very much under the weather. If you were to interview Mark Hofmann, what would your top questions be? Why are they so adamant about excommunicating someone who has a different opinion than they do? It was awful so stressful. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Cultural Context Preceding the Book of Mormon,,,,,,,, Signature Books Mormon News, October 1317. [5][6], According to the Deseret News, the response from the apologetic community was "vitriolic. hillside christian church staff/ brent metcalfe excommunicated Create a Word Cloud at Tagxedo.Com. Im pretty sure I was standing next to Maxine. Post-Vatican II a renaissance of sorts occurred in scriptural exegesis (for example, scholars no longer felt compelled to affirm the priority of Matthew and they began reassessing the synoptic gospels and John more critically). About a year or so ago when I finally left the church I looked him up to get advice and catch up on old times. Perhaps she remembers me, the useless home teacher. Brents words deepened my own thoughts on God, spiritually and humanity. Thanks, John and Brent! Indeed, the trivial matters that many theists assert as claiming the attention of God (even as hell is meanwhilebreaking loose) is absurd evidently too absurd for many to even grasp. My examples are numerous and heart breaking. Id like to hear Mr. Metcalfe address the character, integrity and morals of LDS apostles and prophets with regard to the books of A and M. Regarding the recent essay published by the LDS church regarding the Book of Abraham; what does he think they got right and what does he think is wrong? I was hoping you would have spoken more about the Book of Mormon and Abraham. I just looked down at the paper and I felt this wave of total anxiety come over me and then all of a sudden it was like my brain stopped working and it felt like I was looking at a different language. You didnt elaborate on that interpretation. But I feel that sometimes secular scholars, perhaps in an effort to be diplomatic, perhaps for other reasons, underestimate and understate the inevitability of open conflict with a religious tradition they study. They leave the church, but it doesn't leave them alone Thanks to the both of you! During the first part of his interview, usually John will ask a question about gaining a testimony while in the Mormon church or have spiritual experiences and then pairing those experiences with the Mormon narrative. Brent Lee Metcalfe is an independent researcher and writer of the Latter Day Saint Movement. Wrestling for coach Roy Hall at Davison High School in Michigan, Metcalf finished as arguably the #1 overall recruit with a career record of 228-0 with . Youre one of the few secular critics of the church that can offer a really long perspective on challenges to Mormonisms truth claims. Did John take the tapes home to show his wife? Is there going to be a part 3? Lynn Jacobs was looked at carefully, I believe Brent Metcalf was looked at somewhat. Hinckley never responded, but was shortly thereafter offered the job by Christensen, which Metcalfe felt was orchestrated by Hinckley. But are there any podcasts that go deeper in to Gnostics, esoteric teachings, metaphysics, etc. This was an awesome interview. I like Steve Christensens view on excommunication. I was pronouncing words instead of just reading them. Released: Sep 13, 2014 Format: Podcast episode Arent we to try to gain understanding about life and spirituality? On the term translation, JS promoted his ancient texts as translations in the traditional sense. "[7] William J. Hamblin responded specifically to an article by Metcalfe. I., **My question is if Brent could provide a copy of the parallels between Elias Snow and Joseph Smith that Wilford Paulson (former BYU professor)inserted into the book. Ive always wondered if my church record was blighted in some way. Brent Metcalf is entering his fifth season as a full-time assistant coach on Iowa State's wrestling staff. Simply put, I think JSs BoAbr project is an example of JSs *sincerity*, not his fraudulence. Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. Really, such a great family. I dont agree with all the conclusions of your research but the research is a gift to all of us. In Part 6, we talk to Brent about his interactions and run-ins with prominent Mormon apologists like Daniel Peterson, Lou Midgley and others. Thanks so much for posting this. Resolved: Release in which this issue/RFE has been resolved. I happen to believe so. The insight into the many corners of Mormonism important to us here was delicious. I have never heard of the description that its like talking to someone in the airport on their cell phone, with all the background noise. Hi Brent, Thank you for your insights and open heart. I still remember the demo you and your friends gave in the Rec Hall for Mutual. I felt like somehow I was responsible for what had happened. These other people that had experiences dont seem to have a similar backlash evident. Do you have any idea what his views are now about the church, what he did, etc.? Brent Metcalfe is definitely one of my favorite interviewees ever on Mormon Stories Podcast. The lengthy, five-part series covers Metcalfes childhood in Mormonism, his mission, his time []. Brent Lee Metcalfe's Assumptions and Methodologies Reviewed by William 1. She spoke of her life and what has happened in the 30 years since one of Utah's most infamous crimes, Thursday October 8, 2015. If so, what will be the subject? We hope to rerecord sometime next week. It all depends on the depth of study one does. Growing up as a full believer, Brent followed the conventional routine and did the missions, after which he spent a lot of time in the historical archives of the Church, researching documents and working with the security department. Contributions. Should have added one more minor thing. I have question on the Book of Abraham. Some suggest that energy-conservation constraints favored our thoughts sliding along low-resistance neural ruts that include simple feel-good narratives. It was stillbecause it all drove from the incredibility of the whole thing. There was an overall feeling that he just had it together. As I went towards the house, this thought came into my mind, why do I feel so different from what I did a short time past : I am unspeakably happy and shall never see trouble again.. But Brent seems to do just the opposite. And now, as per reports, Brent Metcalfe has been able to construct a healthy and happy life for himself outside of Mormonism, where he can continue to work as an independent scholar and technical editor without any issues or restrictions.
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