star trek: discovery tilly weight gain

star trek: discovery tilly weight gain

Posted by | 2023年3月10日

I have only heard of the details a few months ago thanks to a video that TrekCentral (amazing YouTube channel) made about it for Prodigy theorizing a connection. This week's episode raised concerns. Tilly is the product of lazy writing and a lazy showrunner. They made an insensitive statement about her body and called her a promoter of an unhealthy lifestyle. David, Can we expect any surprising uses of the special things that Book can do in season four, now that he can control the spore drive? If that scene reflects something she regularly incorporates into her real-life, then I think she will be just fine and she can tell the haters to go pound salt. I like her personality though, mostly. Star Trek: Why Tilly & Burnham Are Discovery's Best Friendship Episodes will be. Its 2020 and were taking any more of your sh!t. Its gotten very stale now. And it was mentioned in one of the episodes of the first season, I dont remember whichwould have to research, that councilors on Galaxy class ships due to the fact that families were on the ship and it was meant for longer than 5 year missions. And saying they should be sending this message is just another way to try to bully someone into doing what you want, not what that person wants for their self. Also, quite likely theyre pointing her towards a bigger role in their upcoming Academy show, when she does want the work of tv again. Ive never liked Tilly. What I should point out though is that Mack earned the moniker Angel of Death among the Litverse fans. Right!? Theres a difference between celebrating obesity and accepting individual human beings, treating them as human beings, and not targeting them specifically for emotional harassment. Somehow these insecure people feel others not like them are a threat to how they see themselves and how the world should, in their opinion, be. Paramount+'s Star Trek: Discovery is the flagship of the modern-day Star Trek television franchise, premiering in 2017 and about to launch its fourth season on November 18. Shes not going anywhere. And another way to look at it: at least its not another hour of tv taken by a reality show, right? So sayeth Scotty, the contrarian. And doesnt that just make the point about the difference between fitness and apparent chunkiness or curveyness. It was the fall of 2017 and my non-Trekkie wife, Lisa, had begrudgingly agreed to watch Star Trek: Discovery with me, having heard me talk nonstop about how excited I was for Trek's return to TV.We were on the third episode, "Context is for Kings," when she appeared. DSC had many issues at the beginning. David Ajala: I think its made Cleveland Booker even more attracted to Michael Burnham because I think he looks and goes Oh, scrumptious. And a. Lwaxana Troi, Tilly is frankly nowhere near as annoying as those other characters. I didnt like Reed from Enterprise, does that make me a troll? Whereas Tilly is an oh shes just like me and validates all my insecurities so its ok to be as I am. One reason why I think people gravitated towards Trip the most on Enterprise was that the combination of writing and performances created one of the most believable humans in Star Trek this side of Dr. McCoy and Chief OBrien. Sigh all you like, but thats not going to magically make physics and biology work differently. Way too many issues. Sylvia Tilly (mirror) | Memory Alpha | Fandom I also know hes basically your favorite Trek author. I think the character would have been much better served if Tillys quirks were something that changed as the character grew over the seasons. Theyve written Tilly as just the straight oh theres Tilly for the jokes. They told us and a handful of other outlets what to expect for their characters and more. Any accent would be acceptable for a time that hasnt happened yet. Tilly is Trekdom. Just blows my mind. The Terra Firma arc introduced the real Mirror Universe version of Tilly (aka Captain Killy). Its been a continuing book series since 2009 and still going. Regarding fans, tons of them love Tilly. They have solved some of these issues the easy way by talking themselves out of it (Klingon hair, holograms, Ariam being no android at all), now that we are in the future none of it really matters anymore. I will have to go check it out. No probably not. If they wont act a woman should take a pear of pruning shears and cut off that little pecker of yours (its what Killy would do). I dont understand this at all. Jake is about 45-50 and one of the two lead characters. Do you see that tension? KevinB: I let go of my preconceptions about what star trek is.. But dont those characteristics fit better on a younger character, while the older one grows up and changes? Mary Wiseman as Captain Killy in Terra Firma, Part 2. I did, though. Barclay was funny and silly but relatable due to his social anxiety. They should have tried to make Tilly more credible first. Absolutely. Its all relative, but I dont see a lot of actors being body-shamed. I basically just know the books that gets discussed or reviewed here. It makes sense there would be and that they be a part of the medical team. Im sorry I can sugarcoat it. Well second most after Burnam , she was fine in season 1 and 2.past 2 seasons theyve rushed her character developmentsame with michael.the vulcan minded human became human real fast. Having a discussion about healthy weights, healthy eating and physical activity and how thats important is a good Star Trek message. That sort of thing contributes to some pretty hardcore dysmorphia sure, they are famous and have luxuries and money so many of us dont, but hearing stories like how Carrie Fisher was told she should lose weight to be able to reprise Leia, or how Kumail Nanjani is scarily fixated on his physical appearance now is sad. Han Van Sciver and Mary Wiseman in At the Wedding (Photo: Marc J. Franklin), Watch Wiseman and cast and crew talk about the season four finale. Definitely not a dig at the actress, she is only delivering what the directors and producers have asked her to deliver. Hopefully next season they will be given more development. Key difference in thinking, and it makes all the difference in the big picture! Ill never forget when I, a woman of 160# at 58, healthy, deemed fit by military and bodyfat percentage indexes, approached the Credit Union one day, when the guy at the ATM finished his transaction, turned, saw me, and yelled Hey, fatass!. But one could argue a ship full of Barclays is not the most convincing portrait of humanity. I like the way you think! I think that she is one of the go-to people when there is hard science stuff to crack. No one can be expected to sugarcoat reality for you, and your attitude to people who dont is very indicative that you need someone to help you with that. Editor's note, 23 Dec 2020: If you like Wiseman's interview here, then you should also check out interviewer Dawn Ennis's other work. Obesity and overweight are associated with health chronic issues by definition. Star Trek Discovery boss explains surprise season 4 exit - Digital Spy Is Tilly leaving 'Discovery'? Star Trek star explains that shocking Shes a badly conceived written and conceived character theyve desperately tried to bolster. Like a lot of people, she pivoted and found herself in a new role as teacher. Try the Daily Mail for 5 minutes. As an actress and a person I dont mind her at all, shes lovely. Sick and tired of T and A being the main focus. Tilly is a wonderful incarnation of our inner geekdom, a person you would find at conventions or in fanfiction I love this character so much because she isnt perfect. Well, the entire point is she absolutely looks the way I expect her to. Body shaming is just another category of bullying, with the same general goal of the shamer making him/herself feel superior by putting down others around them, rather than elevate him/herself with goodwill and compassion. Not Mary Wisemans fault; the writers fault. And if youre able to use that against someone, that could be very, very dangerous. His Voyager appearances were also horrid. I saw someone just last month asking on a Facebook fanpage if Starfleet had some kind of physical fitness standard and if so, shes violating it, ect.the same old idiotic abusive misogyny disguised as genuine concern. Bad writing, illogical story arcs, unbalanced tempo, underdeveloped characters or sudden jumps in character development. Maybe having had to step up to the plate before she was ready I think she intellectually knows that she didnt fail, and that its not her fault that Osyraa took the ship, she didnt have all the information, but I still think the fact that that she took command and somehow lost the ship would be an enormous blow to her confidence and make her question a lot of stuff. Promoting her to the first officer was stupid enough, but now shes leading at the Academy? Not sure what the formal CBS/Paramount process is for publishing that kind of stuff, but the story was so detailed that I genuinely wanted to begin looking into it. I think Saru holds out as being the most consistent, and Tilly is close, but not quite. Its could have (or couldve). The audience is growing due to our amazing loyalty, but I give them credit toobecause Discovery, we have all these new shows. I gave this dumpster fire of far left propaganda 4 seasons. She gets up in the morning and lives with a purpose, helping her crewmates, and ready to make the ultimate sacrifice if necessary. Great interview, Dawn. Actress Mary Wiseman did a series of media . Its sci-fi, brah. | December 23, 2020 | But respect is always earned and never enforceable. I admit, has been a roller coaster between each season. That is not anything to diss. Let's get into the details of the actress's weight gain, which has also been linked to her pregnancy. By the way, could of isnt English. I assume my feelings towards them are what Wesley-haters endure. Youve got to hand it to Harry Kim. So when Tilly became a teacher I was like, freaky coincidence but perfect!). By: Laurie Ulster Good for her, and I love the character! CBS/Paramount+ For Wiseman's Tilly, the danger and near-loss of all the cadets, including Adira (Blu del Barrio) forces her. You mean that I can find myself a BBW in the 32nd Century? She makes it all look so easy. When I was around 12 I used to eat peanut butter and drink Ensure, a meal replacement drink, before I went to sleep. And I know Chakotay was also Captain on Voyager in those books as well. is not endorsed, sponsored or affiliated with CBS Studios Inc., Paramount Pictures Corp. or the Star Trek franchise. I think others that make such claims are having their own feel feels hurt or nostalgia rattled. But my point was that she rarely conveyed anything useful or something that was not already obvious to all. The moment they decided to incorporate a new character with basically the same characteristics (a young, socially awkward, but very smart ensign) they ruined Tilly. Especially when there were just so many more qualified people for the job on and off the ship. Its one thing thats definitely been improved upon by the more recent stuff. For people who dont know, it had to do with Voyager leading a fleet of ships going back to the Delta Quadrant a few years after Voyager arrived home. You are always very insightful. Although they didnt really use secondary characters wellthey still dont. It is not OK to be overweight. My lady, you are so fine that I want to have your baby. Some of us dont grasp the very basic foundation of what Star Trek is all about!? And I just let the writers take me on a journey. I look at Disco as adding a new flavor to the existing universe. You always come up with weird posts VS this one is weirder than usual Im afraid to say. Sonequa Martin-Green as Burnham hugging Mary Wiseman as Tilly in Coming Home. She is absolutely beautiful just as she is. Between Marys comments about how Tilly internalizes her experiences as acting First Officer and Captain and the fact that we see Gen Rhys in the big chair in one of the early production stills, does anyone think that Discovery might get Treks first regular series Asian First Officer? That was an awfully fast turnaround. It was so fun. It is incredibly bad and is a publicly dangerous message to be sending. I always felt that I wanted hips and a butt. Its odd that the bridge crew still feels in the background although they are being used more. That however does nothing to mitigate the way Burnham has been written to be unforgivably self-absorbed throughout many of the key moments of the series. | November 13, 2021 | Have to disagree. I read somewhere that Gates McFadden and Marina Sirtis had somewhere in their contract a stipulation that they had to fit into their costumes. Fans need to stop being rude and act like gentlemen for once. Not sure what her weight has to do with anything. Please dont ban me!). He was in the Travis Mayweather category. There are a lot of people in the comments hating, but in a franchise that includes Neelix, Wesley Crusher, Naomi Wildman, Kes, and Lwaxana Troi, Tilly is frankly nowhere near as annoying as those other characters. The door is open, I suppose, if that show should fail for some reason, but I doubt theyll just throw her back into the same role on the ship like nothing ever happened. For me, DS9 was the best Star Trek Show for character development. Bad, character pandering types of writing, with over-emotional children in the roles of astronaut-scientist-soldiers. Have you ever read those? What was your point to this comment, anyway, except to minimize and dismiss support for plus-size women? The reason why Troi was on the bridge all the timewas that she was a betazoid. The rumors started and spread like wildfire when some fanatics of Star Trek Discovery found out that Mary gained a few pounds between the seasons. But its at least nice they came to their senses with that ridiculous story turn (unlike Kirk). Mary Wiseman: We dont have that many scenes together but theres a lot of tension between us just as actors and personalities. It feels the only reason was to have a non-binary character, which after a few episodes ended up fading into the background with the rest of the furniture anyway. Fortunately, more than 30 years ago I was encouraged to focus on the health aspects of eating well and training hard and not the aesthetics. If you cant understand that message, then you are very much part of the problem. Respectfully, to anyone somehow offended by that. The mirror Tilly and the ISS Discovery appear in the "Mirror of Discovery" storyline in Star Trek Online, as part of the game's 9th anniversary in January 2019; she is voiced by Mary Wiseman, who also . That sucks, but that is just the way it goes. Funny enough, I have never had a problem with Wesley. Jack perhaps you were at the Dave Chappelle protest screaming Judas, you are starting to sound like the type who gets sensitive over everything. What is wrong, pretty bad to read, is fans mocking the actors, it is actually very sexist, not cool. Well, its certainly a good thing that Tilly is a fictional character, and neither she nor the woman who plays her (Wiseman) is in todays real-world Navy.. Its a problem in even some least developed countries now. Lol. I think you are talking jibberish. New episodes ofStarTrek: Discoverypremiere on Thursdays onCBS All Accessin the U.S. andonCTV Sci-Fi Channelin Canada, where its also available to stream onCrave. Mary Wiseman Weight Gain - Before & After Photos Exposed - Mixedarticle I agree, the writing, character development, and story telling needs to improve. Its been sooo inconsistent from day one. Tillys great contribution is that shes NOT that sort of superwoman most people can never be. But it would seem to me that it might ought to be standard practice to have a Betazed on the bridge on all starships if those stills were so needed. Thats the thing about DSC. Correct me if I am wrong, but did she not have to take a command course at some point? lol ;). She never wouldve made it through the Academy. Ridiculous or not, it has been well established in Trek canon that starships have counselors/therapists, and they are often used by the crew. Proceed accordingly. We love that someone who isnt super fit was cast, especially that its a woman. They should all try for the standards of randos on the internet like you Neither she nor anyone else with common sense is celebrating obesity. It would definitely be great if Rhys was promoted to first officer. Im glad you figured out what works for you, but Im not cool with a Star Trek board in 2021 focusing on an actors weight or appearance, especially when its a man commenting on a womans weight. I keep reading she shouldnt be in Starfleet because she is socially and emotionally immature. | March 22, 2022 | So I was also just very excited for the fans. In general, the Litverse kicks off with the TNG A Time to series that fills in events between the movies Insurrection and Nemesis. None of us are and its okay. Its participation trophy trek. And to get to see that visually, that was a very gratifying moment for me to see, Okay, somebody different showed up., Mary Wiseman as Tilly and Oded Fehr as Admiral Vance in Coming Home. Im proud to see that shes proud of herself. She cant control her weight. Its far from just the United States or even just affluent countries. Btw, I really liked the scene of Tilly and Burnham running back in S1 and eating protein, carbs and fat post workout. At the other end, underweight is also unhealthy and associated with other risks, but gets less negative attention in entertainment. Or are you only a troll if you criticize something about Discovery? I want to really like Discovery, I do. I hope that Wiseman uses that info into the future because it does work for fat burning and muscle building. But Tilly and the nervous mess Adira has devolved into? It is not yet known what role, if any, Wisemans Tilly would have in the upcoming season, with possibilities ranging from guest or recurring character to becoming a series regular again. Her empathic abilities work via viewscreens? Shes only competent because of her character shield, shes mentally and emotionally immature, out of shape for the job shes in and the role she wanted to perform, and would barely survive in a high school, let alone in any capacity at an actual Starfleet. Heaven forefend women feel good about themselves! Unfortunately PICARD turned out to be set in the same period, so it derailed my plans, although later I did figure out a way to explain the considerable differences in the Prime Universe. all the outfits here are golden IMO but those shoes murder! Shes one of the shows most divisive characters. This is rare case were I actually agree with Lorma. Im glad we are finally seeing it. I would just be happy if Rhys got more than three lines an episode lol. Andrew: Great, perceptive, thoughtful post! Thanks for the correction and yes that is correct. Shes a product of poor writing, constantly ditzy and trying to be the light relief to the point where its eye rolling. Star Trek is supposed to be socially progressive but this show went too far. Mary Wiseman Talks Tilly's Future On 'Star Trek: Discovery' Wiseman possess voluptuous hourglass shaped figure. These are not well-written or well-acted characters, and they weaken the series every time they show up. Understanding? advantage. Eh, only in some particular parts of the internet. It felt like an organic exit, and with the way that others said goodbye to her, it . As for the debate about sending the message being overweight is good: the heart of the issue is that everybodys body is their own, not health and physical fitness. Except that would imply that her being there was the exception rather than the rule. Shes changed. I let go of my preconceptions about what star trek is. Samarkand? Sylvia Tilly was an ambitious female Human Starfleet officer who lived during the mid- 23rd century. I think that in a world thats so repressed and violent, violence becomes these peoples only outlet for pleasure and release. Tilly should have been introduced as female Barclay or a less extreme version of junior lieutenant Picard in Tapestry (the alternate timeline where his career stalled after avoiding getting stabbed in the heart). The Enterprise D was the only place we saw a councelor. That one ship generates more energy than present-day Earths entire human energy expenditure, generates its own artificial gravity, and violates causality routinely. Her body shape is fabulousshe is gorgeous. I find her character interesting, but inconsistent. She would have flushed out of SFA in her first year. As you put it: I love how Disco has put the human back into the human experience. And I agree wholeheartedly. Cant believe some fans complain about character A or B or C. I am sorry, but the obsessive complaining about Sonequa/Michael or Mary/Tilly, for who they are, is so rude. Though frankly, I find people like her generally seem more aware of their overall health and fitness than people who try to fit others images. Its a tricky one, as someone who is outside America and didnt have English as the first language growing up its more noticeable. During the 1st season, Michael helped Tilly to gain confidence and then continued to nurture that confidence through . And, in that sense, it is okay to be used as it was above. It has also been speculated that Wiseman may be moving over to the proposed Starfleet Academy show openly discussed by Alex Kurtzman and Paramount+ execs but not yet officially ordered as a series. Originally I imagined him as Denzel Washington or Blair Underwood, but after belatedly watching The Wire and Luther I think Idris Elba would be a really good match. I thought her arc was going to end with her being booted from the service for repeatedly failing physical fitness tests? This was her character and then had perhaps one or two incidents where she became a little more focused and then off screen came back a different person. Some folks here like this nu trek because it lowered standards to make them feel better about themselves. 108 comments so far. Mary Wiseman, Cadet to Lieutenant Silvia Tilly on Star Trek: Discovery He also has emotional intelligence. In the latest Star Trek: Discovery episode, Sylvia Tilly ( Mary Wiseman) was tasked with . We never saw her effort to become that person. Most of what she did was convey the amazingly obvious like offering such useful insights such as, Hes concealing something but I dont know what. And her abilities were never fully defined. Star Trek: Discovery currently streams exclusively on Paramount+ in the U.S. There is also the issue that a crew needing constant therapy sessions while regularly saving the galaxy is not an easy narrative trick to pull off. Exactly. Her character, Sylvia Tilly, has had plenty of opportunities to shine without giving anything away, and Wiseman has risen to the occasion.

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star trek: discovery tilly weight gain